Assessing students’ prior knowledge may change throughout each lesson that is taught and mine did when I taught my lessons. Assessing students’ prior knowledge is important when teaching. This may take the form of asking students questions, having students tell you what they know about a certain concept, and even doing a KWHL chart. This affects my future teaching experiences because it is important to know what students prior knowledge concerning a concept that way you know what to teach them.
Planning and designing instruction is vital when teaching because teachers shouldn’t “just wing it”. They should know what they are going to teach and how they will teach the concept(s) to the students. Designing instruction can take various forms including, using technology and hands on materials/activities. This affects my future teaching experiences because it is important to know what you are going to teach to your students and different ways that you are going to get the concepts across to your students.
Planning assessment and the assessment of learning are the only ways to know whether or not your students have understood your teaching and what you are presenting to them. These two elements of teaching also lets you as the teacher know how effective you were in getting the information across to the students. This affects my future teaching experiences because it is a reminder that I need to always plan for assessment and actually implement an assessment.
Instructional decisions and teaching need to have a variety of formats. For example, teaching shouldn’t always be based on verbal/linguistic formats. Teaching needs to occur through bodily/kinesthetic, logical/mathematical, and etc. Instructional decisions shouldn’t be based entirely on the teacher’s decisions, yet students should also have a choice as to what occurs during the school day. This affects my future teaching experiences because it is a reminder to vary instructional decisions and teaching itself.