Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Free Verse Poem Reflection Part 1

Accessing Prior Knowledge: Prior experience would have been accessed by asking students what comes to their mind when they think about the Fall season. I would also ask the students if they have had any experience with Kidspiration or Pixie. I would expect to learn about my students’ experience with technology and the season from my questions. This information would be helpful when planning, especially for the technology portion, because I could plan time to introduce the two software programs to the students so they knew how to use them.

Plans Instruction: I feel that my goals and objectives come out of the state standards. The state standard for this lesson is: Strand 1: Writing Process, Concept 1: Prewriting, Prewriting includes using strategies to generate, plan, and organize ideas for specific purposes. PO 1: Generate ideas through prewriting activities (e.g., brainstorming, webbing, drawing, writer’s notebook, group discussion). I also chose: Strand 2: Writing Components, Concept 1: Ideas and Content Writing is clear and focused, holding the reader’s attention throughout. Main ideas stand out and are developed by strong support and rich details. Purpose is accomplished. PO 1: Write stand-alone text that expresses a clear message. Using Kidspiration helps students in the pre-writing stage. I also thought that writing a poem fulfills the standard of having main ideas stand out clearly.

Designing Instruction: I feel that my lesson uses a variety of instructional methods. I allow students to go outside, think of Fall individually, and then bring them back inside to think together as a whole class. This also meets the needs of diverse learners. Technology is also integrated. My lesson doesn’t explicitly talk about safe, legal, and ethical uses of technology or digital etiquette and responsible social interactions. I feel that these are part of the hidden curriculum that students may discover as they progress through my lesson. Higher Order Thinking Skills are implemented by asking students to think about Fall and to share what comes to their minds.

Planning Assessment: My assessment tool is a checklist. This is a simple way for me to assess my students. I feel that this is the best way to assess this type of activity because when writing free verse poetry there is no right or wrong way. It wouldn’t be fair to assess students any other way. This meets the needs of the diverse learners because each student has different abilities when it comes to thinking about abstract topics such as Fall.

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